About us

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Our history

about us

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Finished Projects
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Different materials
Happy Clients


Our skills

Altera nostrud eam cu. Pri quem scripta at. At nam nullam dicunt constituam, velit viris ancillae ut sed, ponderum delicatissimi qui ut. Ex sed fastidii vivendum, euismod placerat mel ea.

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Architecture 0

Mr. Asif Qadir, Post: Ex-President Engro Polymers

I have known Limitless Solutions for the past 10 years and have always found them to be highly professional and pleasant to work with. The team possesses a wealth of knowledge and are well informed about the latest technology trends related to Solar & electrical both. Additionally, their friendly approach enhances the overall experience. They are prompt and available 24/7 in case of emergencies. I highly recommend their Solar & electrical consultancy and Solar Maintenance services.

Customer for over 13 years

Mr. Ahmed Ebrahim, CEO Mehran Sugar Mills

We started working with Limitless solutions in 2015. Initially the concept of commercial solar installations were still new. Limitless did a professional job convincing us on the benefits of the investment as well as its Operations. We did our first Grid Tied Solar installation with them at Mehran Sugar in 2017 for 180kw and in 2019 for 58kw. In 2016 we installed 66kW Grid Tied Solar installation at 3 houses along with maintenance contracts. We also installed 180kW at Usman Memorial hospital in 2023 and 60kW at Usman institute of technology in 2017. Limitless has an efficient and technically sound team and our passionate about the future of renewable especially solar energy in Pakistan.

Customer for over 7 years

Mr. Rasheed Barket, Chairman Pacific Group

Limitless Solutions is working with our group since last 6 years. Their Engineering and installation work is excellent. Furthermore, our system is professionally maintained by Limitless Solutions even they promptly detected a performance issue in the solar panels, which was determined to be a manufacturer's fault. They promptly provided the necessary test reports to the manufacturer, effectively persuading them to honor the warranty and replace the panels. Remarkably, all of this work was completed at no cost to us under our Annual Solar Maintenance Contract. Thanks to Limitless Solutions.

Customer for over 6 years